Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Acceleware - A Company Positioning Itself To Take Advantage Of It's Tremendous Potential

Acceleware Ltd., (TSXV:AXE), has had what could be described as a very successful year, this past year. The company seized an opportunity to restructure itself, this following a dire period that caused many companies to fail. However, not only did Acceleware survive the massive downturn of the global economic recession that we are still struggling with, but Acceleware has gone from the restructuring in April, 2011 to cash flow positive by year end. Under the economic conditions that management faced, I believe it would be hard not to agree they have done an absolutely stellar job.

From the business side of things, Acceleware has worked diligently to continue to propel the company forward. They have tried to manoeuvre themselves into new markets, and into agreements with new companies, all the while maintaining the service that all their existing customers have come to expect. In 2011 Acceleware has released news that has shown the benefit of this dedicated and determined approach. If one is to go to their website and look at the news releases for the previous year, it helps to bring this into a much clearer perspective. http://acceleware.com/Press-Releases

Speaking of websites, it is reported that Acceleware is currently undertaking a major website renovation. This should be accomplished over the next month or two. There are multiple reasons for this re-working of the website. The company wants to update all the contained information for starters. This will in fact tie directly into the overall plan with initiating a marketing campaign which will bring Acceleware more directly into view for potential investors. I believe everyone would have to agree this approach will offer Acceleware the optimal benefit from the funds spent on a marketing campaign. Also of note, is the fact that management wants to have much more of the website designed so the language used is easier to read and understand. Currently the website works well for advertising to potential customers. It does however leave the average person who may be considering Acceleware as a potential investment choice struggling to understand many aspects of just what Acceleware offers from an investment standpoint. Again, I must say, this should be viewed as just another aspect of the dedication to unlock future potential shareholder value. This is of course no small undertaking, and the completion of this project is expected to be in the 1 to 2 month area, with the desire to have it done as quickly as possible, but done properly and effectively.

Acceleware is still a little ways off from the next financial reporting. My understanding is this can be expected most likely in the mid to late April timeframe. In talking with management, I was advised they are currently still going through their audit. This did not leave the door open to much discussion in this area, but I personally expect the numbers should be positive, given the increasing demand for the training sessions in both CUDA and OpenCL, not to mention the revenue that Acceleware can expect from both sales of software and the service commitments they currently have.

Recently, Acceleware has completed some hiring. This is always a good sign. The hiring that has been completed so far is expected to further enhance the ability of the company in terms of servicing the needs of potential and existing customers. According to management, they continue to look for a developer that will meet their expectations. This is a position they want to offer to someone who displays above average knowledge and skill in the specific field that the company deals with. Obviously Acceleware is continuing to prove their desire to continue the momentum they have, and to expand that momentum in a positive way. With this type of dedicated effort it is not difficult to see that Acceleware will in all likelihood begin to become much more noticed as a driving force within the super-computing circles with a focus on GPU technology. In a recent conversation with management, it was explained that Acceleware has added a couple of people to staff, but the one position they are passionate about is someone who meets a specific set of requirements as a developer. It is this type of forward thinking that will undoubtedly continue to propel Acceleware forward.

Looking at some of the recent conferences that Acceleware has attended and the immense interest garnered towards the technology they possess it will only be a matter of time before Acceleware comes to the attention of both the technological sector and investors. A prime example of this would be a report which lists Acceleware at the top of the list as an emerging company, even though Acceleware does not meet the usual requirements of a typical startup company. Here is a link to this report which I think clearly substantiates my view. http://www.hpcwire.com/hpcwire/2011-12-15/emerging_companies_ride_wave_of_gpu_computing.html What gives this report such credence in my opinion is the fact that the company which hosted this conference, Nvidia, were the ones to name Acceleware as the most promising emerging company. As is pointed out in this article, Acceleware, as well as other technological companies, have possessed very valuable technologies for quite some time now. However, it is only now with some of the recent breakthroughs and with the un-ending efforts to find markets which can utilize these technologies. This ties in with such synchronicity to the fact of who Acceleware has been hiring lately, and those they continue to look for in the future.

There are several upcoming events which hold much in the line of potential for Acceleware. Some of these events will have Acceleware as exhibitors, and others they will be presenting at as well. One event in particular that is considered to be a premiere event will be the Nvidia GPU Technology Conference. This will be held May 14-17, 2012, and is scheduled to be in San Jose, Ca, USA.    http://www.gputechconf.com/page/home.html#source=pr


Acceleware will also be in attendance at the EuCAP 2012. http://acceleware.com/events/eucap-2012
The date for EuCAP 2012 is March 26-30, 2012. This event will be held at the Congress Center in Prague, Czech Republic.

One that is of particular interest is the EAGE '12. This is quite likely one of the most prestigious events in terms of complete coverage of the oil and gas sector. This event offers one of the widest coverages possible in terms of the companies that are involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas. http://www.eage.org/events/index.php?eventid=520&Opendivs=s3

Acceleware will also be attending the International Supercomputing Conference. This event will be held from June 17-21, 2012, and will be held in Hamburg, Germany. http://www.isc-events.com/isc12/sponsor-exhibitor-listing.html

All of these events offer excellent potential for Acceleware to bring themselves more into view of the industries and companies that have a need for the technology and services that Acceleware has to offer. Add to this the steps being taken by the company in regards to revamping the company website, and the desire to bring the investor relations portion of the website more into a  format that can be more easily understood, and then to initiate a marketing program geared towards the investment community. I find the grand sum of this to be favorable in terms of potentially starting Acceleware on changing trend. Of course I can make no guarantee, but the potential for Acceleware to begin a positive move in relation to both the share price and market cap is huge in my opinion.

If you find Acceleware as a company of interest as a choice for a possible investment into the early stages of a technological company, I strongly urge you to do your own due diligence. An excellent place to start is the company website which can be found at www.acceleware.com, and all publicly reported documents can be viewed at www.sedar.com.

For disclosure purposes, I have received no compensation of any kind for my opinions or this post. All opinions contained in this post are expressly my own. I own shares in Acceleware.